Kevin finally asks Arianne to marry him! She says yes... :)
I had to work at the hospital at 7:30am that morning doing my Standardized Patient thing… so I left Kevin telling him I would see him later that afternoon at Outback (we had an event that day at 3pm). I was gonna be a busy day. I had already given up my admin shift to Ashley because I would have to do the hospital then admin then go shopping for the event, do the event, and then be at the theatre for opening night at 7pm. Too much to do in a very limited time! So I got done with the hospital and went home to take a shower and a name before I headed out to shop for the event and the show. I came home… no Kevin. I tried calling his cell phone… no Kevin. I took my nap and heard him come in the house… but then he left. He later told me he didn’t come home which started to stress me out because I thought someone was in our house. But it was him. Well, I got to Outback around 2 pm thinking he would be there. Nope no Kevin.
to be continued...