Friday, February 22, 2008

South Beach Food and Wine Festival

We actually got tickets to go to the food and wine festival this year!  I was so excited to take the day off from work to go...  I have been keeping my eye on the food network website since September... and by the time I got on - they were all sold out.  But Kevin is always able to pull his luck of the Irish out and he was able to snag us some tickets (thanks to Nancy).   

At 9am we headed towards the Beach.  I was not sure how bad traffic was going to be so it was better to leave earlier than be late.  We finally found a parking space around 10am and we decided we'd better go to the Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast.  

to be continued.... 

Monday, February 11, 2008

Coming soon to a theatre near you...

Don't miss your chance to see Arianne as Dudley R. Spoonbill...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Evening Entertainment

"I saw how bored my brother Ty and Aunt Arianne were getting waiting for Uncle Kevin to come home from work. So... I thought I would entertain them. I did that of course by playing with Aunt Arianne's ottoman. They had a fun time. I mean not just anyone can pull off the Opa Ottoman Dance!" - Jayden

Amanda's Little Man

This is a photo of Jayden and my sister Amanda while my mom and I were cooking dinner.

I just had to take this photo! And of course I have to post it. Heck I even gave him my red wedges to match his outfit!

Baby Tyler... My String Bean

On their last night here Kevin was holding Tyler. As Kevin was taking him to bed I snapped this photo. He is toooooooo cute! It really hit Kevin how something so important could fit in the in the palm of his hand.