Ainsley got to meet her Nana this week. Kevin's mom arrived here in Miami on the 18th and was here till the 24th. They got to spend lots of time together. One of the highlights included going to Merrick Park for lunch and getting the books "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (a book Marcia would read to Kevin when he was a kid) and "Papa, please get the moon for me". During Nana's visit Ainsley became more aware. She started smiling more and checking out her surroundings. We also discovered she LOVES to take baths. I'm so glad that Marcia was here for this milestone in her life.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Ainsley turns 1 Month
Here is Ainsley with her Hedwig
(that Kevin made for her before she was born.).
(that Kevin made for her before she was born.).
It's amazing how time flies... Today Ainsley turns 1 Month. A few months ago it felt like she was never gonna get here and here we are celebrating "1 Month". In the past month she has grown quite a bit. She is up to 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. Her sleeping patterns consist of "Up all night, sleep all day!". We take lots and lots of naps during the day. Hopefully we will be able to switch that around soon. One of her nicknames is "Milk Monster" and that couldn't describe her eating habits any better. She is always eating. Ainsley is becoming more aware of the things around her, discovering her hands, using her voice when she wants something, and building those neck muscles.
A few of our favorite Ainsley things:
- her smile (even at 5am)
- her free fall arm reach when she sleeps
- her "gangster" cry when she's hungry. "yeah... I'm hungry... Ya See!"
- and Daddy just loves to watch her sleep
- her smile (even at 5am)
- her free fall arm reach when she sleeps
- her "gangster" cry when she's hungry. "yeah... I'm hungry... Ya See!"
- and Daddy just loves to watch her sleep
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