So last Christmas I was bit by the knitting bug... again.
Four years ago I had learned to knit when my sister was expecting my nephew Jayden. My teacher? Our dear friend Gina. She was an awesome teacher and even inspired me to make a blanket for my family's new addition. I work so hard on that blanket and after five long months it was complete. I don't think I had ever been proud of anything I had ever made... but this time was different. I would stare at it in amazement as I would look at it and think... I made that!
Now I'm the first to admit that Jayden's blanket was the furthest thing from perfect. It has holes, a few dropped or picked up stitches, and I'm sure there is a salsa stain from a late night knitting episode... I too was amazed after finishing it that it ended up having four even sides.
But to me that blanket was (and continues to be) the best thing I have ever given my little nephew.
Now I'm the first to admit that Jayden's blanket was the furthest thing from perfect. It has holes, a few dropped or picked up stitches, and I'm sure there is a salsa stain from a late night knitting episode... I too was amazed after finishing it that it ended up having four even sides.
But to me that blanket was (and continues to be) the best thing I have ever given my little nephew.
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Jayden's Blanket |
Sadly, I put my needles down after that and didn't pick them up till a year ago.
I had just found out that we were expecting and was starting to "Nest". Gina suggested knitting. But only being a few weeks I was hesitant to start knitting for our little one. So... I started knitting for our friend Faride. At the time Gina and Faride were both expecting little boys in March. After taking 3 years off it was kind of hard to remember what to do but (like riding a bike) I got the hang of it again.
I had just found out that we were expecting and was starting to "Nest". Gina suggested knitting. But only being a few weeks I was hesitant to start knitting for our little one. So... I started knitting for our friend Faride. At the time Gina and Faride were both expecting little boys in March. After taking 3 years off it was kind of hard to remember what to do but (like riding a bike) I got the hang of it again.
I remember riding back from Kevin's Aunts house in Jacksonville knitting and being so happy. With each stitch that I knitted I said a little prayer for Faride's little boy. By the time we made it home I had made some major progress. I continued to work on that blanket all throughout "Jack and the Beanstalk". I would knit on the train to the theater, before the show, backstage during the show, and on my way home. My goal was to have it done before he was born. I was doing so well... and then I hit a snag. Well, more like I ran out of yarn and I couldn't find more that would match.
* Note to self - buy more than one if doing a blanket.
Well, to make a long story short... my mom finally found some yarn that sort of matches but poor Faride's little boy is still without his blanket.
Good news is that I have still been knitting in the process.
After Ainsley was born our friend Alisha (Jack's mom) asked if I knew anyone who knew how to knit and could teach her. I of course suggested my knitting mentor Gina. Seriously... what can't that woman do? :) But after telling her that Gina taught me Alisha just said "well why don't you come over and we will have a knitting day". Why not! So Ainsley and I headed up to Broward and I taught Alisha the basics of knitting. And like the two nesting moms that we were we sat there on a Saturday night knitting.
When we were at Michaels getting knitting stuff for Alisha I found these two fun colored yarns. I thought they were a change from my baby blues... and I was inspired to make a Stroller Blanket/ Burp Cloth for Jack. (The green matches his Monkey room)
I came up with a basic pattern and within no time I had a little blanket for Jack.
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Jack's Stroller Blanket |
I liked it so much that I decided to make one for Ainsley...
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Ainsley's Stroller Blanket |
After finishing these two stroller blankets I started working on a new blanket for another new mommy. (I can't say who because it's a surprise). I am kind of doing the same pattern but every other row is 10 instead of 5. And it will be a little bit bigger than the other two.
I can't believe how much I am enjoying knitting. I love to sit there and knit while Ainsley is sleeping in my lap. Not only is it something that I get to do for myself but I feel like I am able to accomplish something on the days where the baby will only allow me to hold her. And I am proud to say I have become a pro of knitting and not stabbing the baby with my needles.
But now it feels like I have knitting on the brain. And thanks to an article in Knit Simple I am now addicted to the works of Susan B Anderson. I even rushed out to Borders and bought another knitting magazine: Knitting Today. I am inspired to knit other things like: baby hats, toys, Christmas items, etc.
I have also found these great books by Susan that are just perfect for the new knitting crazed mom that I am. There are so many neat things that I would love to make but have no clue on how to knit them... All I can knit is a blanket....
I just need to set up another teaching session with Gina. Hummmm... maybe I should set up a little lunch for us moms... a Knitting Lunch... cause I have the Knitting Bug!
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