Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ainsley's First Doctor Visit

Today we had our first doctors visit. Being the nervous, got about 100
questions to ask, first time parents that we are... We headed out to
find out how our little one was progressing (and how us parents were
I felt bad because as soon as we got to our patient room we had to
undress her. One thing our little one does not like is being naked.
(God, I hope that last a good 20 years)
Then Dr. Miller came in and checked her out. I was so proud of our
little one. Ainsley picked up her head like the Doctor wanted. All of
her tummy time with daddy was paying off. And Dr. Miller was very
happy with how much she had gained these past two weeks. (Which made
me feel better... The milk monster was eating well). Overall we were
told Ainsley looks great and to keep doing what we had been doing.
As of today Ainsley is weighing in at 7lbs 12oz (50%). Her height is
19 3/4 (25%) and and her head is measuring at 13 1/2 (25%).
And the report for us 1st time parents? We got the peditricians
approval. We are doing things right. Slap hands for us! It's always
nice to hear from a "professional" you are doing well.
Our next doctors visit will be in 2 weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

of course you're doing things right...you guys are great parents!