Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 Days Before Christmas... We made Ornaments

That's right... We made this little Snowman. Ever since we decided on our 12 Days list I have been looking for ideas for our "Homemade Ornament". And I had come down to 2... Which this snowman was not one of. That was until the packages arrived from Kevin's mom. Inside I found a whole bunch of packing peanuts and I was instantly inspired.

I pulled out my scissors, glue gun, a ribbon from something, and my random craft box. I let Ainsley tear up the peanuts... Which she loved by the way.

I found a brochure from the Auto Show with a plain silver page and cut out the shape of a snowman. Then I went to work with the glue gun attaching the ribbon, pieces of peanuts, and a few buttons for eyes and the body. I then found a piece of scrapbook paper and cut out the nose. And to finish it all off I found this snowflake trim (don't know why) that I just attached to the ribbon.

Not to shabby... For an UpCycled Snowman!

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