And apt 913 left something burning... Next thing we know the alarm bells were ringing. We all hurried down the 10 flights of stairs... Looking around at lots of worried concern stares. The fireman came on their trucks filled with lights... Using their fans to blow the smoke out into the night. An hour or so they all reappeared... Not covered in soot and packed up their gear. It was safe to go back now to our festive night... And get ready for bed and Santa's delights.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yeah, He can play ball!
Yeah, He can play ball!
I am such a horrible Aunt. During the Disney Halloween Party, Kevin and my little Buddy was Tyler. Tyler was in charge of us not getting lost. So that of course meant we had to take him on all the way cool rides… like Peter Pan, Dumbo, and of course Pirates. So to make a long story short… On the way out of the Pirates store I see a counter that had Pirates Baseballs. (Remember back to Jayden and Tyler’s last visit to Miami in June where Kevin and I were teaching them both to throw a ball. And my mom bought Jayden a Marlins baseball?) Well, I just had to get the pirates one for Tyler. So I make Kevin pay for the ball (cause I was holding Tyler) and the three Disney employees behind the counter started saying how funny it was that we bought the ball for such a little boy. Kevin made a comment about how he has been teaching him to throw… and the two guys chuckled (like an “yeah right” kind of chuckle). So… what do I do? I sit Tyler on the counter and hand him the ball… with out a cue or anything he tosses the ball (with one hand now) to Kevin. Kevin and Tyler passed the ball back and forth a few times. Those two skeptics jaws drop immediately and say how we need to get him drafted today. Yeah, that’s right! My little String Bean is going to be a Pitcher for the Boston Red Sox one day! I only wish I had gotten it on video. Now, the real issue is my sister not loosing the ball.
I am such a horrible Aunt. During the Disney Halloween Party, Kevin and my little Buddy was Tyler. Tyler was in charge of us not getting lost. So that of course meant we had to take him on all the way cool rides… like Peter Pan, Dumbo, and of course Pirates. So to make a long story short… On the way out of the Pirates store I see a counter that had Pirates Baseballs. (Remember back to Jayden and Tyler’s last visit to Miami in June where Kevin and I were teaching them both to throw a ball. And my mom bought Jayden a Marlins baseball?) Well, I just had to get the pirates one for Tyler. So I make Kevin pay for the ball (cause I was holding Tyler) and the three Disney employees behind the counter started saying how funny it was that we bought the ball for such a little boy. Kevin made a comment about how he has been teaching him to throw… and the two guys chuckled (like an “yeah right” kind of chuckle). So… what do I do? I sit Tyler on the counter and hand him the ball… with out a cue or anything he tosses the ball (with one hand now) to Kevin. Kevin and Tyler passed the ball back and forth a few times. Those two skeptics jaws drop immediately and say how we need to get him drafted today. Yeah, that’s right! My little String Bean is going to be a Pitcher for the Boston Red Sox one day! I only wish I had gotten it on video. Now, the real issue is my sister not loosing the ball.
If you wanna be a Pirate… Go Arrrrh!
My mom had mentioned that when they tried on Jayden’s Peter Pan costume on the other day he said “Pirate… Arrrh”.
Well, we decided to go over to Portifino Bay Hotel at Universal for Lunch on Saturday and instead of walking from Royal Pacific we took the boat.
This was the perfect time to see the "Pirate" ourselves. So, while he was hanging out with us on the boat (cause his Buddy – my dad- was taking a nap) I got him to show me his pirate.
His little lip curl and eyebrow raise is tooo cute! Johnny Depp - watch out! Jayden the Pirate is coming!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Constitution Day!
Happy Constitution Day! Today we celebrated Constitution Day... Not Arianne's 30th Birthday!

We celebrated by going to the Hard Rock Casino's Council Oak restaurant where Kevin and Arianne had a lovely full filling meal.
The Council Oak has sizzling steaks and sumptuous seafood top the menu of one of the hottest restaurants in South Florida. Kevin and I opted to split a Dry Aged Strip and Alaskan King Crab dinners. We also had the Crab Bisque and Carrot Cake.
After Dinner we hit the slots and chuckled when on the third hit we won over $200. It was a good Constitution Day!

We celebrated by going to the Hard Rock Casino's Council Oak restaurant where Kevin and Arianne had a lovely full filling meal.
The Council Oak has sizzling steaks and sumptuous seafood top the menu of one of the hottest restaurants in South Florida. Kevin and I opted to split a Dry Aged Strip and Alaskan King Crab dinners. We also had the Crab Bisque and Carrot Cake.
After Dinner we hit the slots and chuckled when on the third hit we won over $200. It was a good Constitution Day!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Welcome to the world Alina!

You did it! You finally arrived here. On August 18, 2008 you decided that today was the day you were going to come out! I wanted to take this time to welcome you to the family. And also let you know what exciting things happened today, the day you were born.
Tropical Storm Fay is bearing down on the State of Florida. Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is the first African-American man to be nominated for president. Michael Phelps has won a record of 8 Gold medals since the 08 Olympics started on 8/8/08. He has broken the world record in 4 events. Mamma Mia! The Movie Soundtrack Featuring the Songs of ABBA was the album to purchase. – The number one movie today is Tropic Thunder bumping The Dark Knight from Number One (which you saw when you were in mommy’s belly).
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Every Family has a Kid that hates to eat…
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Playing Ball with Tyler
What is worse than teaching a 2 year old to throw an actual baseball?
Teaching the 1 year old to throw an actual baseball!
Yeah, you heard right. Kevin and I have been teaching Tyler to throw a baseball.
Teaching the 1 year old to throw an actual baseball!
Yeah, you heard right. Kevin and I have been teaching Tyler to throw a baseball.
Why Kevin and I make a great Aunt and Uncle!
Cause when Jayden needs a diaper change - we just sit back, try to teach him to throw a baseball, prepare for Baseball Scouts, and laugh!
This all started when Amanda asked him "Did you go poo poo?" And this was his response!
"poo poo"
This all started when Amanda asked him "Did you go poo poo?" And this was his response!
"poo poo"
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My little 10th floor garden
Moving to this new place has me trying new things: Working out, cooking more at home, eating healthy... I even started a little garden. Now I have never had a green thumb. Something that was never passed down to me by my Grandfather... but living here has me attempting a green thumb. I still have Charlie "the cactus" that has been with me since before Kevin and I got married. He survived living in NC 1 year so I got others. I was able to keep them alive... they even made the move down here to Florida. Sad to say the last of my other cactuses died last year... :( But Charlie is still kicking. He has even sprouted other Charlies in his pot. I honestly thought he was a goner when we moved. He was all dried up but I decided not to give up on Charlie. So I replanted him and gave him some Cactus Juice. And a week later he was growing green again. Then one night I was inspired after reading a kids recycling/ Green Earth book (that I got for work) to plant my own tomato seeds (from a left over tomato). So I cut the seeds out of the tomatoes, let them dry, then planted them in a yogurt cup. A week later... GREEN stuff! So I headed to the Home Depot 2 weeks ago and got some more pots and other gardening stuff - I came home and replanted them and amazingly enough they actually grew... and they are still green and still growing. I may have to name him Bob (after the Tomato in Veggie Tales). While I was at the Depot I picked up some herbs too. I have decided to grow fresh Sweet Basil and Cilantro. Yummy... I love the smell of fresh basil. And every time you step out on the balcony you get a sniff of it. I am still in shock that things are actually growing and staying green. Every time I look out there at my little 10th floor garden I get so excited... I made those!
Miami Evenings...
Finally, the weekend has arrived! I sat out on our balcony last night looking up at the night sky and watching the sun set over Dadeland. After living in eastern NC for 18 years and living in the suburbs of Kendall I finally feel as if I live in a big city! And I love every minute of it. Last night I sat outside for about 2 hours and just watched the cars drive by, listen to the metro rail, goal tend the railing so the cats don't fall over, look at the city lights, and enjoying a glass of Strawberry Riesling (from that cute winery outside Tampa that I stopped off at last tour). It was a perfect start to a much needed weekend after a really crappy Miami-Tropics wet week. Kevin and I went to our old Target Thursday in search of the patio chairs he wanted. Target just put them on sale and by the time we figured out - our Target was sold out. So we headed to West Kendall. There they were... we even got a new little chair for Lillian (not sure she liked the fact that I told her she had to share when Jayden and Tyler visit- cause I have to pry her out of it to get her inside. Then again maybe she likes being outside on the balcony too.) When we got back from Target we sat outside playing Phase 10 and drinking a bud for an hour and a half till I really needed to go to bed. Last night I fell asleep out there waiting for Kevin to come home from work. It's silly, but I think this is my new favorite room in our new place.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Our new home! We finally moved from the Hammocks to the Dadeland area (South Miami/ Downtown Kendall). WHOOOO HOOOOO!
You can see our place in this photo. Look at the traffic light. At the top of the pole go up one window. That balcony is our next door neighbor. The window right next to it (going back away from the road) is one of our bedroom windows. And our place takes up the entire side of the building.
We live on the 10th floor. IT is so cool to look out the window and see the Grove and then look the other way and see a city skyline.
We love this place! We are walking distance to everything - Target, Best Buy, the Metro-fail, Dadeland Mall (Banana Republic), Restaurants (Chilis, Panera, etc.). We are a short metro ride from Sunset Place to a lot of other restaurants (Outback and Carrabbas), Whole Foods, and Barnes and Noble. There is a pool and cool gym on the 7th floor, a coffee bar (with free coffee and free wi-fi) in the building, and the most importantly a garage. So hopefully we will no longer have any car issues.
The Snapper Creek (as in the Snapper Creek Expressway or the 878) goes right outside our window. During our first inpromptu party (thanks to Chilis happy hour) Colleen, Lucy, Pancho, and Sommer (with Kevin and I) stood outside on our balcony and noticed there was a baby manatee swimming outside our window. How cool is that?
This is an amazing place. I don't think I never want to leave here!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Nick Tickle, Fairy Tale Detective Calling!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patricks Day
This March 17th- Kevin and I headed down to South Miami along with Zory and Jeff. We had a great time hanging out at this new bar... Irish Times.
We drank Guinness and I even ordered an order of Corned Beef and Cabbage! I still have to crack up at all the Latino people wearing green "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" shirts... there must have been at least 75 of them. Any excuse to drink - I suppose!
Friday, February 22, 2008
South Beach Food and Wine Festival
We actually got tickets to go to the food and wine festival this year! I was so excited to take the day off from work to go... I have been keeping my eye on the food network website since September... and by the time I got on - they were all sold out. But Kevin is always able to pull his luck of the Irish out and he was able to snag us some tickets (thanks to Nancy).
At 9am we headed towards the Beach. I was not sure how bad traffic was going to be so it was better to leave earlier than be late. We finally found a parking space around 10am and we decided we'd better go to the Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast.
to be continued....
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Evening Entertainment
"I saw how bored my brother Ty and Aunt Arianne were getting waiting for Uncle Kevin to come home from work. So... I thought I would entertain them. I did that of course by playing with Aunt Arianne's ottoman. They had a fun time. I mean not just anyone can pull off the Opa Ottoman Dance!" - Jayden
Amanda's Little Man
Baby Tyler... My String Bean
Friday, January 25, 2008
Colleen going to school... across the Pond!
Arianne writes:
"Its good to be patient"... or so I try to live by... but sometimes its just too gosh darn hard! I even try to tell myself that "things will all work out in the end" and "there is a reason for everything"...
"Its good to be patient"... or so I try to live by... but sometimes its just too gosh darn hard! I even try to tell myself that "things will all work out in the end" and "there is a reason for everything"...
sometimes I even spread that wisdom on to friends. And its nice to see that some of the times those bits of wisdom may be right on.
Today I am on cloud 9... and not because of anything that has happened to me. No. Today we celebrate (after 2 years of frustration) our friend Colleen has the opportunity to get her Masters at the University of College of London! I don't think I could be any more prouder of her if she were my very own flesh and blood. And even though I will miss her bunches - the frustration I know that has been building up in her is being released.... and celebrated over Tasty Adult Beverages!
Colleen's frustration reminds me of my own (4 years ago) before moving to Miami. There is a feeling of greatness that you are unable to achieve. No matter how hard you try to reach for it - it just slips through your fingers. Sometimes its like being in your own personal hell, knowing what you want to do and not being able to do it... our Generations Quarter Life Crisis. In order for me to get out of mine I had to move to Miami... even though it feels like a foreign country, sometimes. I can applaud her for her choice to go to school abroad.
So I say - with a Stongbow in my hand - Congrats Colleen! Congratulations on getting on with your 1/4 life crisis... and moving on to London. Just be ready for a visit!
Today I am on cloud 9... and not because of anything that has happened to me. No. Today we celebrate (after 2 years of frustration) our friend Colleen has the opportunity to get her Masters at the University of College of London! I don't think I could be any more prouder of her if she were my very own flesh and blood. And even though I will miss her bunches - the frustration I know that has been building up in her is being released.... and celebrated over Tasty Adult Beverages!
Colleen's frustration reminds me of my own (4 years ago) before moving to Miami. There is a feeling of greatness that you are unable to achieve. No matter how hard you try to reach for it - it just slips through your fingers. Sometimes its like being in your own personal hell, knowing what you want to do and not being able to do it... our Generations Quarter Life Crisis. In order for me to get out of mine I had to move to Miami... even though it feels like a foreign country, sometimes. I can applaud her for her choice to go to school abroad.
So I say - with a Stongbow in my hand - Congrats Colleen! Congratulations on getting on with your 1/4 life crisis... and moving on to London. Just be ready for a visit!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Art Deco Weekend
The Art Deco festival (once again) has come and gone. This year Arianne had the proud pleasure of playing the part of Sue Joe, a lost snow bird. Sue Joe was accompanied with her two family members Donna Joe (Sommer) and Bobby Joe (Andy) on a the-a-ter trip to New York City!
We had a blast dancing up and down Ocean Drive in these obnoxious costumes asking people which direction was the Statue of Lib-er-ty. The number of people we actually got to pose as "Broadway Stars", the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building amazed us all. The highlight of the weekend was getting our picture on the front page of the Metro Section in the Miami Herald. Can't wait for next year!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Faride's baby is almost here!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Happy Anniversary...
Today Kevin and I celebrated our 5th year as Husband and wife. Last night we decided that we wanted to escape to some place so we drove (at 11pm) to the nearest Panera Bread with laptop in tow. Since Comcast has yet to fix our cable since before Christmas we are without internet... but that did not stop me from booking a room at Universal for our anniversary.
We got up this morning and headed out for Orlando at 9am... but by the time we got past the Hard rock Casino in Ft Lauderdale Kevin realized that we had left the suitcase with all of our clothes for dinner tonight. Because of traffic it was almost 11am... I was not turning around. Nope we will just have to find some clothes when we get to Orlando. That will be our gift to each other!
Soon (well, not really) we end up in Orlando and head to the mall. After giving up trying to find something for me in Macys - we head for the Banana Republic. But before we could get to the store we pass White House/ Black Market. I absolutely love this store... and the sign in the window had 75% Sale on it... So in I go. And I am so glad that we did. There in the sale section I see the dress I have been eyeing in Miami... but 75% off... I try it on... and its PERFECT! Happy Anniversary Arianne! With my dress in my little hands we head back to Macys to get Kevin his shirt and pants... some new shoes and jewelry for me. By the time we were done paying for everything it is time to eat...
We arrive at the Portifino Bay Hotel at Universal and check in. This hotel is absolutely charming... I feel as though we have stepped into Italy somehow...
Then we headed to Sal's Market Deli for a light lunch.... dinner at ROY's was waiting for us so I was not going to fill up before then... But we did enjoy an early happy hour with a nice pinot grigio. After lunch we headed back to the room where Kevin sat there watching the tv like he had never seen a tv before. I felt bad for him since we had not had any cable for almost a month (stupid Comcast not being able to fix a cut wire) so I let him watch his sports center stuff. Then it came time for dinner.
I love Roys so much and I will be so sad next time we visit Orlando and have to pay for it. Anyway, we got all dressed up and headed out. We had a lovely dinner - our waiters were great... and the water boy was fabulous! The best part was dessert. The pineapple and chocolate lava cakes... yummy! I had to take a picture of it!
After dinner we came back to the hotel and headed out for The Thirsty Fish (wine bar that sits on the Harbor)... we sat there drinking martinis and listening to the music of a female singer and a guy playing a guitar. At midnight we walked over to the bar at the Hard Rock Hotel and stayed there for a bit longer... then we walked back to our room.
The next morning we had breakfast outside at the Trattoria del Porto... I didn't want to go home but Kevin had to work that night. So we drove home after breakfast....
It was a nice little getaway - and a wonderful celebration of being married for 5 years.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Things Arianne learned in 2007
Things Arianne learned in 2007
1. My Cars are not safe in West Kendall. Both of them… In the ghetto of the Grove… Yes! They even get a bath for free from the local drug dealer. But Kendall? Hell NO! And neither are the seats…. Which seem to be very popular… not the whole engine of my car… but the busted up seats.
2. Car payments suck! Even though I love my Mini! Debt is BAD… The Banana Republic is EVIL! And sometimes I can't help but be Bad with Evil! And bit by bit I am overcoming it all!
3. Heated Seats are indeed useful in Miami, Florida.
4. Turning 29 was not as bad and I thought it was going to be. Yes, I had my "Rachel" moment. But now… it doesn't matter so much.
5. There is always drama in theatre…
6. Wearing the Doodle Bird outfit for 45 minutes a day will help take off those love handles and flabby waist.
7. Its better to be with the drunk than be like a teenager with no alcohol.
8. It's ok to take time for me! If I don't – no one will! If I throw myself down over the puddle for others – they will walk over me!
9. I would have enjoyed The Mummy Ride a lot more those 10 times if I would have gotten my cup of coffee!
10. Face your fears – like being tied to a wire and swinging off of a trapeze swing! I can do anything! Especially when you have great friends cheering you on!
11. Massages are fun! And justly deserved!
12. I shouldn't take 6am flights anymore… I can't keep my mouth shut!
13. My nephew Jayden is one cool 2 year old! And he has helped me realize that I wouldn't be a horrible mom! I am no longer afraid to have children now. I'm ready! After I get back from Europe… ?
14. 10 years = tons of laughs and tons of tears! But I have the best friend in the world. And even though I tried to give up on us in the past – we are still together. He is my rock. I am his voice! And together we make one hell of a team! And our luggage (as matched as it may be) will travel the world together for another 10 years – and more…
15. The Red Sox are not just the best baseball team in the world… but a glimmer of hope for those who feel lost… Keep the Faith! If all you can think about when you get up in the morning is Baseball – then Honey you were meant to be in Baseball! And there's no crying in Baseball!
I can't wait to see what I learn in 2008
1. My Cars are not safe in West Kendall. Both of them… In the ghetto of the Grove… Yes! They even get a bath for free from the local drug dealer. But Kendall? Hell NO! And neither are the seats…. Which seem to be very popular… not the whole engine of my car… but the busted up seats.
2. Car payments suck! Even though I love my Mini! Debt is BAD… The Banana Republic is EVIL! And sometimes I can't help but be Bad with Evil! And bit by bit I am overcoming it all!
3. Heated Seats are indeed useful in Miami, Florida.
4. Turning 29 was not as bad and I thought it was going to be. Yes, I had my "Rachel" moment. But now… it doesn't matter so much.
5. There is always drama in theatre…
6. Wearing the Doodle Bird outfit for 45 minutes a day will help take off those love handles and flabby waist.
7. Its better to be with the drunk than be like a teenager with no alcohol.
8. It's ok to take time for me! If I don't – no one will! If I throw myself down over the puddle for others – they will walk over me!
9. I would have enjoyed The Mummy Ride a lot more those 10 times if I would have gotten my cup of coffee!
10. Face your fears – like being tied to a wire and swinging off of a trapeze swing! I can do anything! Especially when you have great friends cheering you on!
11. Massages are fun! And justly deserved!
12. I shouldn't take 6am flights anymore… I can't keep my mouth shut!
13. My nephew Jayden is one cool 2 year old! And he has helped me realize that I wouldn't be a horrible mom! I am no longer afraid to have children now. I'm ready! After I get back from Europe… ?
14. 10 years = tons of laughs and tons of tears! But I have the best friend in the world. And even though I tried to give up on us in the past – we are still together. He is my rock. I am his voice! And together we make one hell of a team! And our luggage (as matched as it may be) will travel the world together for another 10 years – and more…
15. The Red Sox are not just the best baseball team in the world… but a glimmer of hope for those who feel lost… Keep the Faith! If all you can think about when you get up in the morning is Baseball – then Honey you were meant to be in Baseball! And there's no crying in Baseball!
I can't wait to see what I learn in 2008
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