The fun game of trying to squeeze into my pants has already begun. And after the button has been fastened, you can start to see a small bulge that has started to grow in the low stomach area. Kevin even stated that I looked like I was getting a little pooch. We had decided that we were not going to announce it to people at work so hiding this now growing pooch was going to be difficult.
So we headed to Dadeland Mall in search of Maternity Pants.
I had plenty of shirts that I could use right now but I needed a new pair of pants. First stop… Macys! But to my surprise they do not have a maternity department. So we headed around the mall. Then it hit me… the first realization that my world for the next 9 months (in the clothing department) was going to change. As I subconsciously made a dash for the Banana Republic I stopped myself short of entering. We would not be finding any pants for me there. My entire wardrobe was about to change and I was not sure if I could financially and emotionally cope!
We walked around the entire mall until we finally came upon the Destination Maternity store. This would be my new home. I felt slightly self-conscious when walking in. I mean I am not that far along... why wouldn’t I be able to still wear my regular clothes? But there I was to get a pair of black pants that I needed for work. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by a nice associate that directed me over to a rack of black pants that would be perfect for work but then I saw the price tag. $78? I looked a Kevin like a little kid who had just broken a lamp. I felt horrible that I couldn’t fit into my clothes and we were now out getting ready to purchase pants for $78.
Then I saw it… the Sales Section in the back of the store. I quickly bee lined over and started looking through the selection of black pant things and there they were. I found several pairs for under $30 each. This wasn’t going to be that bad after all.
As we went up to check out the associate starts asking us questions like when is our due date and such. I didn’t know what to say. I just looked at Kevin and we both were sort of speechless. I finally told her that we just found out only 2 days ago that we were expecting. I don’t know if that made me feel better or worse. Here I was 2 days after a positive pregnancy test buying maternity pants… talk about crazy! I had visions of this lady thinking I was psychologically messed up. So I threw in the “Yeah, I just seem to be so bloated my pants just don’t seem to fit anymore.” Yeah… I am sure that worked. As we left the store I turned to Kevin and said “Could that have been any more awkward?”
Kevin being the great support that he is... just laughed.
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