Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is there something that I need to be doing right now?

After many of sleepless nights wondering about the baby and “Is there something that I need to doing right now?” I ended up on TheBump.com. This website is the baby version of the Knot that helped me get through our wedding. I figured there just had to be a checklist of things that we needed to do and when we needed to do them by. I was actually surprised to see that we were sort of right on track with a lot of the items. And for those we are not… we are only a week or two behind.

Another addition to the pregnancy postings will be our To-Do list.

Week 27: April 21, 2010 - April 27, 2010
  1. Start interviewing pediatricians
  2. Take a tour of your maternity ward or birthing center
  3. Prepare a friends and family plan
  4. Prepare a birth plan
  5. Assist with Baby shower needs
  6. Consider getting maternity photos taken
  7. Finish registering for shower gifts
  8. Research public and private cord blood banking

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