Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bit by the Knitting Bug...

So last Christmas I was bit by the knitting bug... again. 

Four years ago I had learned to knit when my sister was expecting my nephew Jayden.  My teacher? Our dear friend Gina.  She was an awesome teacher and even inspired me to make a blanket for my family's new addition.   I work so hard on that blanket and after five long months it was complete.  I don't think I had ever been proud of anything I had ever made...  but this time was different.  I would stare at it in amazement as I would look at it and think... I made that! 

Now I'm the first to admit that Jayden's blanket was the furthest thing from perfect.   It has holes, a few dropped or picked up stitches, and I'm sure there is a salsa stain from a late night knitting episode... I too was amazed after finishing it that it ended up having four even sides. 

But to me that blanket was (and continues to be) the best thing I have ever given my little nephew.   
Jayden's Blanket
Sadly, I put my needles down after that and didn't pick them up till a year ago. 

I had just found out that we were expecting and was starting to "Nest".  Gina suggested knitting.  But only being a few weeks I was hesitant to start knitting for our little one.  So... I started knitting for our friend Faride.  At the time Gina and Faride were both expecting little boys in March.  After taking 3 years off it was kind of hard to remember what to do but (like riding a bike) I got the hang of it again. 
I remember riding back from Kevin's Aunts house in Jacksonville knitting and being so happy.  With each stitch that I knitted I said a little prayer for Faride's little boy.  By the time we made it home I had made some major progress.  I continued to work on that blanket all throughout "Jack and the Beanstalk".  I would knit on the train to the theater, before the show, backstage during the show, and on my way home.  My goal was to have it done before he was born.  I was doing so well... and then I hit a snag.  Well, more like I ran out of yarn and I couldn't find more that would match.    

* Note to self - buy more than one if doing a blanket.    
Well, to make a long story short... my mom finally found some yarn that sort of matches but poor Faride's little boy is still without his blanket.  

Good news is that I have still been knitting in the process.  

After Ainsley was born our friend Alisha (Jack's mom) asked if I knew anyone who knew how to knit and could teach her.  I of course suggested my knitting mentor Gina.  Seriously... what can't that woman do?  :) But after telling her that Gina taught me Alisha just said "well why don't you come over and we will have a knitting day".  Why not!  So Ainsley and I headed up to Broward and I taught Alisha the basics of knitting.  And like the two nesting moms that we were we sat there on a Saturday night knitting.  
When we were at Michaels getting knitting stuff for Alisha I found these two fun colored yarns.  I thought they were a change from my baby blues... and I was inspired to make a Stroller Blanket/ Burp Cloth for Jack.  (The green matches his Monkey room)  

I came up with a basic pattern and within no time I had a little blanket for Jack.     

Jack's Stroller Blanket
 I liked it so much that I decided to make one for Ainsley...

Ainsley's Stroller Blanket

After finishing these two stroller blankets I started working on a new blanket for another new mommy.  (I can't say who because it's a surprise).  I am kind of doing the same pattern but every other row is 10 instead of 5.  And it will be a little bit bigger than the other two.    

I can't believe how much I am enjoying knitting.  I love to sit there and knit while Ainsley is sleeping in my lap.  Not only is it something that I get to do for myself but I feel like I am able to accomplish something on the days where the baby will only allow me to hold her.  And I am proud to say I have become a pro of knitting and not stabbing the baby with my needles. 

But now it feels like I have knitting on the brain.  And thanks to an article in Knit Simple I am now addicted to the works of Susan B Anderson.  I even rushed out to Borders and bought another knitting magazine: Knitting Today.  I am inspired to knit other things like: baby hats, toys, Christmas items, etc.  

I have also found these great books by Susan that are just perfect for the new knitting crazed mom that I am.  There are so many neat things that I would love to make but have no clue on how to knit them...  All I can knit is a blanket....

I just need to set up another teaching session with Gina.  Hummmm... maybe I should set up a little lunch for us moms... a Knitting Lunch... cause I have the Knitting Bug!    


Monday, November 8, 2010

A Cry for Crock-Pot Recipes...

I admit it... I am a Food Snob!  I can sit for hours upon hours watching the Food Network.  I daydream on a regular basis that I live next door to Ina or Giada and I'm always invited over to try their recipes.  Hey... a girl can dream right?!     
Well, the other day (while on Facebook) I noticed a friend of mine (Laurie) from college was inquiring for some new Crock Pot recipes.  To quote her "I need something other than beef stew".  OMG!  My feelings exactly! The amazing this was the 18 comments she quickly received .  One of the comments actual stated "I realize how many women in their early 30's just got in on this crock pot conversation and I wonder if this is what the 50's were like minus Facebook".        

This made me think about my own crock-pot recipe collection.  And the fact that I only had two recipes that were worth sharing.  Sad!  I have 2 recipes that are staples: 
  1. Pot Roast (same recipe that my mother always made)
  2. Stuffed Cabbage Casserole
But that is it!  How can I have been cooking with this thing for 12 years and only have 2 really good recipes?  Is that all I ate?  No wonder I hide it after a few months of cooking with it.  I got bored!   

Since this "Cooking with Baby" adventure started I have been looking for new Crock-Pot recipes.  My criteria? Simple!  It has to be delicious.  And... most importantly it has to keep me excited to cook with my crock-pot.

Thanks to Sandra Lee on the Food Network I started off with a bang!  Her Chocolate Beef Stew set the bar high!  I had to find more... but where?! 

I think one of the reasons why I have given up in the past on my dear friend, the Crock-pot is because they require special recipes.  And nothing in the "Crock-Pot Cookbooks" I have seen inspired me in the past. 

Today I remembered that I had a jar of Artichoke and Caper Sauce from Tastefully Simple still in our cabinet.  I pulled it down and started thawing that chicken that was in our freezer and when I got home tonight dinner was ready! Tastefully Simple made it... well... Simple!  All I did was cut up some chicken and pour the sauce in the pot.  Set it on low for 5 hours and voila!  And I was amazed how good it was.  

I hopped over to their site tonight to see if they were still selling their Slow Cooker Sauces... (side note: If we would have tried this sauce earlier I might have remained a consultant for them and bought my quarterly quota worth on just those sauces.) I was kind of disappointed to see the Artichoke sauce was not there.  Instead they have a TANGY TENNESSEE™ SLOW COOKER SAUCEThey also have another mini recipe booklet: EASY SLOW COOKER RECIPES VOLUME II  That has over 20 new recipes for delicious comfort foods for your slow cooker. This reminded me that I had Volume I sitting in my cookbook.  Untouched... since I bought it.  

Then I started searching for more of Sandra Lee's crock-pot recipes and I found out she had a whole book dedicated to Slow Cooking!  Jack Pot! 

I am adding these to my holiday gift list! 

(hint, hint Kevin)



And then I headed over to the Crock-Pot website and found out they have an iphone App.  Double Jack Pot! 

So now I have some tools:
  1. Sandra Lee's Slow Cooker Cookbooks
  2. The official Crock Pot iphone app
  3. Tastefully Simple Slow Cooker booklet
                                                          ... lets see what magic I can make!  

*If you have an awesome crock-pot recipe please share it with me.  You can leave it in the comments section!   

Just call me Samantha... cause I can do Magic!

OK... I really can't do Magic.  But I totally felt like Samantha from Bewitched tonight.  I had dinner on the table in less than 5 minutes after walking in after getting home from teaching tonight.  

I didn't wiggle my nose to make it happen... Though that would have been awesome if I did.  No, my help came in the form of my Crock-Pot!  

Oh that lovely piece of kitchen appliance that so many of us are guilty of putting in  a cabinet and leaving there.  I admit it... I am guilty of that very same thing year after year.  

My mother bought me my very first crock-pot when I was a Sophomore in college living in my own apartment.  I often complained to her that after a long day of classes and rehearsals the last thing I wanted to do when I got home (often around 11) was COOK!  She claimed that this handy little cooker would save me from eating fast food every night.  

I was hesitant to try it.  But I fell in love.  I cooked with it for a few months and then like a sweater during the summer months approaching...  it disappeared. For some reason I stopped using it and put it away.  

Fast forward a few years later I found myself saying that reoccurring line... "the last thing I want to do when I get home from work is COOK!".  So I got inspired to dust off my old friend that had been discarded so many months before.  Sad to say the cycle started all over again. 

These days it seems down right impossible to stand at the stove to cook dinner (when Kevin gets home) because of baby.  Cooking with the Crock-Pot would help curve the Fast Food dinners.  But why did I not jump to rescue my old pal from the hidden corner of my cabinets?  I mean... hello... it would help! 

It got me thinking... Why?  Why don't I cook with it more?  Why do I love it and then just stop?  

And after much soul searching I found the answers:  
  1. You have to plan ahead.  Recipes require a minimum of 3-8 hours of cooking time.  So that means 3-8 hours before I want to have dinner I need to know what it is I want to eat.  
  2. You have to have a stocked kitchen.  For a couple that pretty much shops for one to two days at a time... If it isn't popcorn, kool-aid, or beer we don't have it in our fridge.  That would take us back to reason #1.  We don't plan ahead.  
  3. I'm a food Snob!  I admit it!  I love watching the Food Network.  I am inspired by their personalities to cook AMAZING dishes that are tasty and creative. And lets be honest... Crock-pot recipes are... well... BORING!   

That was until I saw an episode of Sandra Lee's Semi-Homemade Cooking. (Click here for the shows website on the Food Network)   

She made a Beef Stew with Chocolate.  Yes, I said chocolate!  I immediately thought "Kevin would LOVE that!".  And the amazing thing is she used her crock pot!  A Food Network personality using a crock pot!  The food snob in me was inspired!  So while I was watching her Chocolate for Dinner episode I searched out the contents of my bare fridge.  And low and behold I actually had more than half of the items I needed.  

To make a long story short... (too late...)

The Crock-pot was pulled out from hiding.  Once again...

Now I am on a mission to:
  1. Find amazing, Delicious, food snob worthy recipes.
  2. Keep my dear old friend of 13 years living on my kitchen counter next to my Keurig instead of underneath in a few months.  
  3. Cook more dinners (with Baby in tow) and cut down our Fast Food escapades. 

Wish me luck! 

* Below are links to purchase a Crock-Pot if you don't already own one.  I own one similar to the 4-quart Oval manual.  But if I were to buy one today I would die for one of programmable ones. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Crock Pot Recipe #1: Beef Stew with Chocolate

I decided to try a nice crock pot recipe to start us out... I mean it's just prep, toss in the pot, and let it cook while I take care of the baby. And I knew just where to look for that recipe... Semi- Homemade with Sandra Lee.

Sandra loves to cook with her crock pot. In fact out of all of the Food Network shows she is the only one that does a lot of crock pot cooking. I don't know why! I love my crock pot. I've had my current one since I was in college. It's such an easy way to have dinner ready for you when you get home after a long day. It's sad that I don't use mine all the time. But I think it's partly because there are just not a lot of recipes calling out me to be cooked.

The other day was her chocolate episode and she made a tempting stew. So today I decided to strap on the baby and start cooking.

Photo from Food Network website 

Recipe courtesy Sandra Lee
Prep Time: 5 min Inactive
Cook Time: 6 hr 0 min
Level: Easy

Serves: 6 servings

2 pounds beef stew meat, cut into bite-sized pieces
1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more for seasoning
1 teaspoon ground black pepper, plus more for seasoning
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 cup frozen sliced carrots
1 (8-ounce) package sliced brown mushrooms
3 cups diced red potatoes
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons finely grated bittersweet chocolate
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
1 (1.5-ounce) packet meatloaf seasoning (recommended: McCormick)
1 (14-ounce) can low-sodium beef broth
1 cup red wine, preferably Merlot

1 leek, white part only, sliced and cleaned

In a large bowl combine beef stew meat, salt, pepper and flour. Toss until beef is well coated.  Heat the canola in a large saute pan over high heat. Add seasoned beef and sear on all sides until brown and caramelized. Remove to a plate and set aside.  Combine seared beef, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes and tomatoes in a 4- quart slow cooker.  In a medium bowl, stir together grated chocolate, garlic, meatloaf packet, beef broth, and red wine. Pour into slow cooker and sprinkle the leeks over the top. Cover and cook on HIGH setting for 4 to 6 hours.  Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve hot.

My finished product

Here is my review:

(Star rating with a grade scale of 5 stars - 5 being the highest)

Read of Recipe - * * * * *   
Even though I saw this recipe prepared on TV (which helps me a lot) it was very user friendly.  I had no problems following this recipe.   

Prep Time (with Baby)/ Ease of execution - * 

It took me an hour - 60 minutes (with a fussy baby who wanted to be held) to prepare this dish.  Not 5 minutes.   I am sure that having items already cut, sliced, diced, grating, and shredded would help cut down time. But not 55!  The hardest part was grating the chocolate.       

Recipe items needed - * * *

Taste -  * * * * *
OMG!  This was amazing!  Amazing! This stew was so flavorful.  I don't know if its the Meatloaf spice pack or the wine but it is delicious.

Overall - * * * 1/2

This was my first Sandra Lee recipe and I was very impressed.  I have made other Food Network recipes before and this one measures up!  I will be making this again... though it only got 3 1/2 stars (due to low prep score). Yes, it took me an hour to prep it... but it was worth it!    We had this for dinner 1 night and I had it for lunch everyday after till it was gone.  I actually thought we had too much and I was going to give some to a friend.  But after tasting it there was no way I was going to part with the leftovers. 

I had some of the items already so I just headed over to Target to get the rest. I ended up using the Strong Arms Shiraz for the wine and used green onions instead of leaks.  The cost to obtain the missing items was not bank breaking.  I spent an additional $10 to get the items needed.   

Cooking with Baby

Today I thought I would start a new adventure for the Collins family... Cooking with Baby!

No... I don't mean actually cooking a baby. Though somedays I feel like I'm feeding a plump little butterball that's preparing for the holiday season. I mean cooking with a baby by my side (or really infront of me thanks to my sling).

Please note... (Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch)... I don't do any cooking with the baby nearby if it involves cutting, frying, ovens, spices, hot sauce, or hot peppers.

What prompted this idea? Simple... She loves watching the Food Network and we have to eat. So I said to myself (my Emeril impression) "Self... you should cook with the Baby!". So here we are... Cooking
with Baby!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Single Mom for the Weekend

This weekend is almost over. It's 6am and I've been up for an hour waiting (like a little kid for Santa) for Kevin to call. I was very nervous about being the only one to take care of the baby and how I was going to cope. The anxioty leading up to Friday was insane. I actually found myself an emotional rollercoaster for the past week just because I was really worried about how I was going to do.

Well... I'm proud to announce. We made it! And we made it without an emotional breakdown.

I have to give a major thank you to Manny and Yannery (& Ian) for coming over Saturday and watching Ainsley. This allowed me to go teach. I'm also glad Sommer and her mom stayed over Saturday night. And Faride allowed us to come over for dinner Friday night.

I was also surprised that everyday someone asked me to work for them. But it was nice to have an easy out. I can't Kevin is on the cruise.

I was worried I wasn't gonna be able to handle her all by myself with out anyone to assist/ relieve me if it got bad. Ainsley was amazing. She was such a good girl. The only fussy time she had was when we were at the party.
I think it helped me to have something planned for each of the days Kevin was gone. Almost like I had back up if needed. Also planning her favorite things to do and ending our days before normal time also helped out a lot. I would start bath time earlier and we played more in the tub. But that also had her falling asleep earlier so I didn't have to fight her to go to sleep. Plus when I put her in bed I went to bed too so I felt like I was more rested and able to deal with whatever she sent me.

This weekend has proved to me that I could do this! And... It also made me very thankful for all Kevin does and ready to have him back home!

But I will be very proud to say "we had a great weekend!" when Kevin asks...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ainsley turns 2 Months Old.

It's hard to believe our little Froggy is 2 months old today. During this past month we have had a blast watching her every day grow and discover new things.

Our little "Milk Monster" is still eating as much as she can. The "Monster" is now a whopping 11lbs 2oz. She is starting to fill out her New Born clothes and we have graduated to size 1 diapers.

"Fun Time" with Ainsley consists of sticking out our tongues, the Gentle Giraffe, humming, and playing peak a boo with a blanket.

At the beginning of the month we noticed that she was becoming more aware of her surroundings. While Kevin's mom was here Ainsley started tracking things. A few weeks later and she's constantly wanting to sit up so she can look at all that surrounds her.

There has even been a few times she has gotten frustrated and all because she want to look around.
Because of this wanting to look at the world around her we started using the jogging stroller when going out instead of the carrier stroller. The first time we took it out I'm not sure she knew what to expect. But during that little visit to Target I kept hearing little coo's and "happy" noises from her. Last week we added the Maclaren to our travel accessories.

Ainsley's first outing with the Maclaren was when we went to Merrick Park to go shopping for Kevin's birthday. She loved walking around outside and checking out the trees and water fountains. It was fun to hear her come alive as we walked through stores. Her favorites stores to look at were Pottery Barn Kids, the childrens section of Borders, and Anthropology. Sad to say... She was not a big fan of the Banana Republic but hopefully that will change one day.

I love to hear her "happy" noises and see her smile. In fact I don't mind some days waking up so early for that first feeding because sometimes she can be so active. I call her my little morning person. I'm just thankful that the past two mornings have started around 6:30-7am instead of the 5am it used to be. And I just have to laugh when her little legs and arms start a moving when she's happy... It's just too cute! Her whole body gets into her enjoyment.

Ainsley's love for the swing has grown a bit this month as well. The time she will stay swinging has increased to 20-30 minutes. And there has even been a few times she has fallen asleep while swinging away. I love it because I'm actually able to get a few things done in that time... Including a shower. She's still not a big fan of "tummy time" but we keep at it. What has suprised us is her love for bath time. I actually think she looks forward to it every night and God help us if we run past her normal bath time.

During this month Nana Collins came to visit and Ainsley helped celebrate Zach's 1st Birthday, Manny's Moms 75th Birthday, and the future arrival of Jack at Alisha and Eric's Baby Shower. She also went with Daddy on his visit to Key West where she had her picture taken at the Southern Most Point and went shopping with Mommy down Duval Street.

We are so anxious to see how our "Froggy" will grow in the next 30 days and what wonderful adventures she will go on.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Saving Grace - The Sleep Sheep and Gentle Giraffe

I have to share my saving grace and new favorite baby item. 

The Sleep Sheep! 

When we registered for this item at Pottery Barn Kids and BabiesRus I didn't think this would be my life saver.  But it has.  To be honest, I just zapped it because I thought it was cute and would go with the crib set that we picked out.  And to be honest... I did not think anyone was going to gift it to us.  

Actually, the sleep sheep was one of the last items we got before Ainsley's arrival and everyday I say "thank you Abe and Doris" for this gift.     
I now understand why the Sleep Sheep (a Plush Sound Machine with Four Soothing Sounds) has received so many awards.  Awards including:  National Parenting Center Seal of Approval • 2006 Creative Child Magazine-Preferred Choice • iParenting Award Winner • Good Housekeeping Editor's Choice • Baby Talk Editor's Choice • Shown on the CBS-The Early Show.


This little Sheep is the perfect night-time (or nap-time) companion to ease your baby (or you) to sleep in a relaxing and calming way.

During my pregnancy I found it hard to relax and get to sleep at night.  Heck, there were some nights the baby was more up than I was.  Sometimes I thought she was having her own little party in there.  One desperate night (at like 3am) I picked up my iphone and searched itunes for a white noise album.  I came across the album "Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night: Natural White Noise for Babies".  Listening to this album became a nightly thing.  I would even place my iphone near my belly the nights she was being the night owl and within minutes she would calm down. 
A few weeks before I had learned about the fabulous book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" from my dear friend Gina.  She told me about how this book explains the theory of the 4th Trimester and the 5 S's (shushing being one of them).  I quickly became a fan of this concept and adopted the "white noise" theory.   
So I don't know why it was such a surprise on how well the Sleep Sheep works on Ainsley.  Heck it worked in the womb... why not out in the real world.   

The Sleep Sheep is pretty much an adorable plush sheep with a sound box tucked inside playing three different sounds from nature and the sound of a mother's heartbeat. 

Sadly, our Sleep Sheep sat in the box for a week or so after our arrival home... then one night our "good" baby was having a fussy moment.  I couldn't get her to go to sleep and I was starting to become just as fussy.  As I paced around our bedroom trying to think of what to do... It hit me!  The 5 S's!   

I quickly swaddled her, gave her a pacifier, held her in my arms on her side, started to gently rock (shake) her, and shushed her.  It was working... but then after she fell asleep... I needed to put her in her bed.  How do I keep this up?   That's when I noticed the sheep.  Looking up at me and sitting there in its little box.  I quickly opened it up and pulled the sheep out and put on the "Rain" button.  There she was... sleeping like the good little baby she is.  And the Sleep Sheep has been used ever since.  
The Sleep Sheep (and other fabulous products) is made by the company Cloud B.  They have the idea that "When babies sleep better, parents sleep better".  And God Bless them for that!

The Sleep Sheep is ideal for newborns and up and features:  

  • Four Soothing Sounds (Mother's Heartbeat, Spring Showers, Ocean Waves and Whale Songs)

  • Simple push-button sound selection with volume and on/off controls

  • Two sleep timer options: 23 and 45 minutes

  • Velco tab to secure Sleep Sheep to the outside of a crib

  • Two AA batteries included
Both Kevin and I love this Sheep.  Heck, sometimes we turn it on for us... not the baby.   

So when it came time for me to buy a gift for Alisha and Eric's little boy I was thrilled to see they had the Sleep Sheep on their registry.  Kevin and I both agreed we just had to get it for them.

But while we were shopping we came across the Gental Giraffe.  I was trying to decide wither or not to get it instead (not sure if Alisha had seen it when registering).  While asking Kevin his opinion he says to me "I think we should get it!".  As I put back the Sheep and grab the large Giraffe, he grabbed the On the Go Giraffe and the large Sheep.  I realized at that moment he meant "WE" as in for US...  Not for Alisha and Eric.  They were getting the Sheep.  He wanted the Giraffe for Ainsely.    
At first, I didn't understand why we needed another one.  The Sleep Sheep works great!  Then Kevin starts going over the Gentle Giraffe's features and after playing around with it I am suckerd in!  We opted to get the Gentle Giraffe On The Go (Travel-Size Plush Sound Machine).

Gentle Giraffe On The Go (like the sheep) helps recreate sleep time routines by bringing familiar soothing sounds but making it easier to achieve this while away from home. The selling factor for me was that the Gentle Giraffe has four unique Serengeti sounds that are not just to put Ainsley to sleep but are also designed to entertain and educate. 

We, like the kids that we are, had to test the sounds out in the store.  And instantly I fell in love with the "PLAY" button.  Also called the Safari Groove, it plays rhythmic drums of a native tribe.  As soon as I hit the button I could see that Ainsley was reacting to it.  So needless to say I lost the debate with Kevin and we bought it for us.

Now, we don't go anywhere with out the Gentle Giraffe. 

Just recently I have noticed Ainsley becoming more aware and reacting to the Sheep and Giraffe.  Today as we were walking around Target and listening to the "Play" Safari Groove.  It's was nice to have a soothing sound for her to listen to and at some point I could hear her cooing.  And when we play with them her little face lights up and smiles (something she has not done with her other toys).    
The Gentle Giraffe On The Go is ideal for all ages and features:

  • Four peaceful sounds: Safari Groove (Play), Victoria Falls (Sleep), Safari Trails (Calm)  and Gentle Stream (Relax).   

  • Push-button sound selection with volume control

  • Two sleep-timer options: 23 and 45 minutes

  • 2 AA batteries included           
Also... on the Cloud B website the Gentle Giraffe On The Go is part of the Cloud B Endangered Species Series which helps bring awareness to our animal friends who need our attention. A portion of your purchase will go to an international wildlife organization.
These products have made my life easier these past 7 weeks.  And needless to say I have also found my new favorite Baby Shower Gift! 

Now... I just have to refrain myself from going on a shopping spree and buying all their other products in one purchase!   

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kevin's Mom comes to visit

Ainsley got to meet her Nana this week. Kevin's mom arrived here in Miami on the 18th and was here till the 24th.  They got to spend lots of time together. One of the highlights included going to Merrick Park for lunch and getting the books "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (a book Marcia would read to Kevin when he was a kid) and "Papa, please get the moon for me".  During Nana's visit Ainsley became more aware. She started smiling more and checking out her surroundings. We also discovered she LOVES to take baths. I'm so glad that Marcia was here for this milestone in her life.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ainsley turns 1 Month

Here is Ainsley with her Hedwig
(that Kevin made for her before she was born.).

It's amazing how time flies... Today Ainsley turns 1 Month. A few months ago it felt like she was never gonna get here and here we are celebrating "1 Month".  In the past month she has grown quite a bit. She is up to 9lbs 4oz and 21 inches long.  Her sleeping patterns consist of "Up all night, sleep all day!". We take lots and lots of naps during the day. Hopefully we will be able to switch that around soon.  One of her nicknames is "Milk Monster" and that couldn't describe her eating habits any better. She is always eating.  Ainsley is becoming more aware of the things around her, discovering her hands, using her voice when she wants something, and building those neck muscles.

A few of our favorite Ainsley things:
- her smile (even at 5am)
- her free fall arm reach when she sleeps
- her "gangster" cry when she's hungry. "yeah... I'm hungry... Ya See!"
- and Daddy just loves to watch her sleep

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ainsley's First Doctor Visit

Today we had our first doctors visit. Being the nervous, got about 100
questions to ask, first time parents that we are... We headed out to
find out how our little one was progressing (and how us parents were
I felt bad because as soon as we got to our patient room we had to
undress her. One thing our little one does not like is being naked.
(God, I hope that last a good 20 years)
Then Dr. Miller came in and checked her out. I was so proud of our
little one. Ainsley picked up her head like the Doctor wanted. All of
her tummy time with daddy was paying off. And Dr. Miller was very
happy with how much she had gained these past two weeks. (Which made
me feel better... The milk monster was eating well). Overall we were
told Ainsley looks great and to keep doing what we had been doing.
As of today Ainsley is weighing in at 7lbs 12oz (50%). Her height is
19 3/4 (25%) and and her head is measuring at 13 1/2 (25%).
And the report for us 1st time parents? We got the peditricians
approval. We are doing things right. Slap hands for us! It's always
nice to hear from a "professional" you are doing well.
Our next doctors visit will be in 2 weeks.

Monday, July 19, 2010

One Week...

It's hard to believe that only a week ago we were in the delivery room waiting for our little one to arrive.

How our life has changed... 

It has been a joy having her in our lives. Every day we learn more of our little one. We can't wait to see what the next week will bring us.  

It's been one week since you looked at me... Tilted your head to the side and cried "I'm hungry".  Five days since you smiled at me, kicking those little legs out, just like you did in my belly. 
Three days since the living room... Having tummy time, nap time, and snuggling with daddy.  Yesterdays trip out for Sunday breakfast and we can't wait to see what the next two days will bring to our family. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It only took 1 week...

I will be the first to say that this pregnancy was not the easiest. Morning sickness all day for the first 4 months, the pre term labor episodes, and the painful last 10 weeks. Kevin was beginning to wonder if she was going to be it. I was miserable except for the 10 weeks in the middle. I was starting to wonder myself.

One evening while we were at Gina and Eric's this discussion came up. I stated how I didn't think I could do this (physically) again. Gina just laughed and said "Just wait! The curse will hit you!" The curse? What curse? Gina goes on to explain the mommy forgetful curse... "It's makes you forget all about the pain of pregnancy and delivery and you'll think I could do this again."
In my head I'm saying "yeah, right! Like I'm gonna forget this!"

Well... Ainsley has only been here for a week! I delivered her 6 days ago... We just left the hospital 3 days ago... And as we drove down Kendall Drive towards Outback I felt this wave of peace and happiness come over me. I started laughing to myself. Kevin asked what was so funny. I couldn't tell him... I thought to myself... The mommy forgetful curse had struck...

I could do this again!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Day you arrived...

Dear Ainsley,

So... I know one day you will probably ask the question "what happened the day I was born?"

Well... Sit back for this long story on "How you met your Mommy"... (one day you'll understand why I made this reference.)  

I actually think Labor started around 11:30pm on Sunday (July 10). I was having some strong Braxton Hicks. Daddy was joking that you were getting ready because you were going to arrive that Wednesday (the 15th). I just laughed. Daddy went to bed as much as I tried... I couldn't sleep. I tried laying down but my mind was racing. So I got up and went to the living room... Then it hit. Its like I had a surge of energy. So around 3am I cleaned out the fridge and did a few other things. I made myself a cup of Calm tea at 4:30am trying anything to get sleepy. All the time you were having a party in there. It's like you knew... I finally fell some what asleep around 5:30am. I remember lying there around 7am and hearing this pop. It was like you kicked something... my water broke! I shouted "OMG" to your Daddy and he jumped up to help me get to the bathroom... After I took a shower we headed out for the Hospital.

Your daddy was so funny... Trying to find his keys (they were right on the counter) and rushing down the hall (and I couldn't walk fast).

By the time I got to the hospital (a little before 8:30am- I kept telling Kevin we had to leave by 8am thanks to rush hour traffic) I was dilated to 3 and I had actually only had a partial water break. I could only imagine what a full would be like. Funny thing is at our triage unit they have a test to see if your water broke. The nurse took me in the bathroom as soon as I arrived and had this strip that is supposed to change colors to show water breakage. I had 5 negative strips... Maybe from the shower. But at this point I realized that this is not the time for modesty.

They admitted us to the delivery room and set me up with our nurses. This is when we found out that Dr. Perez was the Doctor on call. Of all Dr's... The one we only saw 2 times. Dr. Perez said she wanted to start me on potosin (sp?) to kick up the contractions. I am so thankful for that. She said she really wanted you to be delivered in 18 hours. I kept thinking to myself... 18 hours of this?!?! But she was hoping you would be here by the end of TODAY!  

TODAY!!!  We would have you in our arms by the end of the day!  I started to think back on the day Daddy and I walked to Panera.  This day seemed so far away and we hoped we would make it!  And here we are getting ready to meet you!  This made us very excited!  

Any way back to the hospital.... The nurses then started asking me if I wanted the epidural now... I said I really wanted to do this Naturally. One of the nurses said I would be the 2nd woman she had seen do that. And that other lady was on child #3! The odds were against us.

Anyway, everything was going great! I even made your dad go down stairs and get some food for himself. We called Grandma and Grandpa (who left right after we called to come see you) and Nana! We texted our close friends "Thunder Cats GO!" (you'll get that reference one day too)... And they were all excited that you were on your way.

Anyway... Back to the labor. For me it was like having really bad cramps or strong Braxton Hicks... till I dialted to 8. I was sitting there watching Friends till I got to 8. At moments Janice was a bit annoying and I finally had to ask Daddy to turn it off... The nurses kept asking what level of pain was it... I would half laugh and say 5-6. I mean 10 had to be the end right? And I still only reserved the 10 for the very end... I think I even said there has got to be worse pain out there (even when I was in pain). I mean having your arm chopped off has got to hurt, right?!?! Yeah, that's what I was thinking while in labor.

Then I reached 8... it got more intense... So intense that I actually didn't think I was going to make it. They told me I probably had another 2 hours... So I quickly did the math in my head... 2 minutes between contractions... 60 minutes per hour... 60 contractions till I was done. And I just started a count down starting at 60. Somewhere around 40-something I lost count. I think at that point I was breaking down and wanted to get something... There was no way I was going to be able to do another 2 hours. (Thinking back- this was probably when I was going through transition. Or in your terms "you were making your way down".) But then Daddy told me that they were getting the room ready for delivery so I only had a little more to go. The intense part was only for an hour (maybe an hour and a half). And it was the worst when I felt the urge to push and they kept saying not to. I actually had a rough 15 minutes where I sort of lost control. I just wanted the pain to stop. I kept saying I wanted to go home.

(*** note: I did not swear, yell, curse out Your Dad, toss stuff around the room at this point. I just stopped breathing, whinnying at the pain, and stopped listening to Daddy when he would "coach".  I actually had to say something to him cause he would stop coaching when the nurses were in the room. I had no idea of where the contractions were on the machine. And that became frustrating!).

The nurses were ready to get the epidural but I told Daddy I didnt want the needle... The idea of the needle and having to have Daddy leave the room was not happening I was actually debating getting narcotics... Thinking you wouldn't be in there long enough for it to effect you. I have an issue with needles. I dont like them! I actually said I was more afraid of idea of the epidural than the pain at one point. Then I heard that Dr. Perez was being called, and that my only other choice was the epidural or buck down for 30 more contractions. So I refocused and started another count down. Breathing through the pain and the urge to push.

Then it was magic time... Dr. Perez walked in and announced we would be pushing soon! Everything started to look better. It was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Then pushing was nothing compared to that previous hour... I just pushed through the contractions. I think I pushed for 20 minutes.
And then Dr. Perez said that we could see your little head and I mustered up all my might and before I knew it you were here.

You arrived at 3:31pm. 

(Some day we will have to tell you the strange link between You and your cousin Jayden and how Aunt Amanda guessed the day you were born and exact time) 

You were so quiet when you came out... I was worried that something was wrong with you. I kept asking if you were ok. "she's perfect... And beautiful" was all Daddy kept saying.

There are not a lot of pictures of you because we were both so wrapped up in the moment. I'm sorry... (That's where having Nana or Grandma would have been nice.) It wasn't until the nurse told your daddy to get the camera and come over to cut your cord that the camera made it out.

I'll tell you a little secret... when we were taking the birthing classes he had said he didn't need to cut the cord. But the nurses really didn't give him much of an option.  They just put the sissors in his hand.  He told me later he was so glad that he did and not just once... He helped do it 2 times. 

I only had a few minutes with you on my chest before they took me away. Everything went really great till it was time for the placenta to come out and that's when the complications started. I ended up having to have a DNC to remove the placenta. I knew something was up when they sent the cord blood lady away. We were planning on donating the cord but when Dr Perez sent her away I knew something was wrong. Then everything went to blur... Kevin said that's when the started hitting me with everything they had to prep me for the procedure.

I didn't get to do anything but hold you for a bit.  You were so little... and cute.  You looked up at me and didn't make a sound.  I didn't want to let you go... then they passed you over to Daddy and that was when I started to cry.  Seeing you in his arms... We were a Family!  I wanted you to have a name before I left the room. Daddy said we could wait till I got back... But I needed you to have a name... We were torn between Ainsley and Madigan. We decided on Ainsley because you were so quiet and peaceful like a meadow.

They had your Daddy take you down to the Nursery while they took me to the OR.

In the Nursery they weighed you and gave you a bath. Daddy stood by that window the entire time.

About an hour and half later I came out of the OR. The recovery was tough... They knocked me out with some hard stuff. I was in the recovery room till around 8pm... But I really wasn't with it till the next morning.

That night I asked Daddy to ask the nurse if it would be alright if you stayed in the Nusery for the night. I wanted you to be with us but I was still very much out of it. I wasn't really able to hold you or feed you. And to have your Daddy take care of you and me was too much. It had been such a long day... the idea of you sleeping alone in the nursery made us sad... But you were in a safer place with great nurses!

And at 7am your Daddy asked for you to be brought in. And from that point on you have been by our side!   

So... That's the story of how you got here! And "How you Met your Mom" (and Dad).  And I'm so glad you are here.


Monday, July 12, 2010

We are pleased to introduce Ainsley Elizabeth Collins...

We are pleased to announce that Ainsley Elizabeth Collins has been brought into world.

She came in at 3:31pm on July 12, 2010, weighing in at 7lbs. 2oz., and 19 3/4 inches long.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The "Waiting Game"... Day 2: 1 week and 3 days 'til our due date.

So here I am playing the "Waiting Game"... Just waiting for the Stork to arrive.

At our last doctors visit (last Tuesday) Dr. Jimenez said it could happen any day now. I just wanted to make it to Friday. Well... Friday has come and gone! I now have the feeling she is going to be around (in my round little belly) a little bit longer.

Kevin still has the date 7/14/10 picked as the date she will arrive. So we shall see when Wednesday gets here.

It's hard not to think of anything but "when will she get here?".  And being on maternity leave isn't helping. There isn't much for me to do around here to get ready for her arrival (thanks to my mom). My hospital bag is packed. Two weeks worth of her clothes have been washed. I even packed a diaper bag last night because I had nothing else to do.

I've been reading sites for any ideas of what to do during this time and one suggestion was plan one big thing to do each day. Yesterday, I decided I would walk around the mall. So I headed to Merrick Park. I had a nice morning walking around and even got Kevin some chocolate at Godiva for his snack bag. By the time I got up to Boarders I was tired and ready to go. I was successful in leaving there and not spending the baby's college education at Tiffanys, Coach, and Jimmy Choo's.

Today was a different story. I had planned to go to Target and get snacks for Kevin. But by the time I got up, the place was a mad house. So today I stayed at home reading and resting.

Tomorrow I hope to get to Target and spend some time outside of the house.

I started having some more lower pressure/ pains around 11pm. Kevin says it's because she's gonna start arriving in 48 hours. I just laughed and said "we shall see...".

As of today, Sunday, July 11, 2010, We are in the 3rd trimester at 38 weeks 4 days (9 & 1/2 months).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Week 28: Our Little Cabbage

It’s hard to believe we are now hitting week 28!  Only 12 more to go!  These past few weeks have really flown.  In January I felt like this time was so far away... but now with the due date drawing near I am starting to wish time would slow down.    

This week "baby" weighs about two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. It amazes me that she is nearly as tall as she will be at birth.

So you are probably wondering which vegetable would that make her this week?  A little cabbage!  Our little cabbage! 

She can also can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. Which has me praying that she will have my eyebrows and not Kevin's huge caterpillars.  But it also has me wondering what color eyes she will have.  Will she have blue eyes like Kevin and me? Or will she get her color from someone else in our family?  

I think this is the first time (during the entire pregnancy) that we have actually started talking about what we think she might look like.  Who will she favor? Who will she take after in looks and personality?  As much as I wish time would slow down both Kevin and I are very excited to meet her.  Kevin has often stated these past few days that he can not wait till she gets here.  She's not even here yet, but she is already very much a part of our family, who we are, and our lives.   

(Our Litte Cabbage - 28 Weeks)